A massive part of succeeding in your course is to make sure you find the right way to revise for each course. Throughout this page you will find a variety of links that will support you in different subjects.
Example Year 11 Revision Strategies Booklet:
General revision sites that you might find useful:
- All students have been given a GCSEPod account where they can listen to podcasts and watch videos for a range of different subjects. Students must sign up to this service using their Boldon School email address (name.surname@boldonschool.org.uk) and then select the subjects they’re studying.
BBC Bitesize
- You will find a range of content on this site that will help support your learning for different courses. As well as information this site also includes quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding.
Online Mind Map creator
- You might find this site useful to develop virtual mind maps for different subjects which is completely free. You can expand on each point in more depth using the attachment icon.
- Interactive learning tool to help develop you knowledge in a range of subjects. You will need to sign up to this website however it is free.