Accelerated Reader:
Accelerated Reader is the one of most effective literacy interventions we have in place. It enables students to access the curriculum in all areas of school life. Accelerated Reader is an exciting programme:
- A student reads a book – takes an online quiz – gets immediate feedback.
- Students respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills.
- Students develop reading skills most effectively when they read appropriately challenging books – difficult enough to keep them reading but not so difficult that they become frustrated. Regular Star Reading assessments determine each student’s current reading level.
- Students become more enthused and the standard of reading increases substantially in terms of difficulty level and they read deeper and longer texts – all of which we see as evidence of students improving their reading habits.
The Accelerated Reader virtual bookshelf tracks all books that have been read and understood by a student. This enables staff to understand their reading scores and appropriate plan next steps.