Boldon School’s personal development curriculum offers students a wide range of experiences and activities both in tutor time, the classroom and beyond. Our focus on personal development is carefully designed to build upon students’ knowledge of the wider world, strengthen this understanding and encourage them to develop into outstanding citizens ready to flourish in the outside world.
We fully embrace and celebrate the fundamental British Values of respect and tolerance, democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty and these traits are interwoven throughout PSHE/ RSE lessons and the curriculum as a whole. The schools RASIE values allows staff to plan to give students opportunities to develop and display Resilliance, Aspiration, Integrity, Self-discovery and Empathy in lessons and these attributes can be recorded, celebrated and rewarded through class charts. Boldon School also celebrates diversity and inclusivity of the protected characteristics and students know where they can access help and support if required.
Students are also supported in terms of their health, choices, sexual, mental and physical wellbeing, decision making, emotional support, how to access help and advice and how to live in the modern world. Ths support happens both in bespoke tutor PD lessons and also throughout the school curriculum e.g healthy eating in science, PE and food technology, effective use of IT in IT and technology, the importance of physical exercise in PE and Science.
- This guidance is delivered through our daily 30 minute tutor lessons, assemblies and drop down days.
- At Boldon School we fully understand that students come to school for a variety of reasons both academic and social. We believe that we can offer students experiences and opportunities to try different activities, sports, hobbies and clubs. We offer a wide range of extra curricular clubs catering for a wide range of interests from sports to languages to programming to chess so there is something for everyone.
- The personal development curriculum model, assembly themes and daily tutor activities can be found on the school website.
- Curriculum Sequencing